How Online Therapy Works

Woman having online therapy session from laptop

Online therapy, also known as telepsychology, teletherapy, or e-therapy, is a type of mental health treatment that is delivered via the internet. It typically involves connecting with a licensed therapist through a secure video conferencing platform, but sometimes involves phone call or instant messaging.

The way online therapy works is very similar to traditional face-to-face therapy, with the main difference being that it takes place in a virtual environment. During online therapy sessions, patients can talk to their therapists about their thoughts, feelings, and concerns, and receive guidance, support, and practical strategies for managing their mental health.

When you schedule an intake with Houston CBT, you will receive a link to our secure online video session.  We provide effective CBT and other evidence-based therapies via online therapy, just as we would in an in-person session.  Our approach is conversational but also aimed at helping you develop practical, hands-on strategies to enhance your life. We regularly (and effectively) use exposure therapy for anxiety and Exposure and Response Prevention for OCD in an online format and adapt it to fit each individual’s needs. 

Choosing Between Online and In-Person Therapy

The experiences of online therapy and in-person therapy are very similar.  However, each has its own unique pros and cons, and the choice between the two will depend on a number of individual factors.

Online therapy is ideal for individuals who live in remote areas or who have difficulty driving to in-person sessions due to time or transportation constraints. Online therapy can also increase a sense of anonymity and privacy, which can be helpful for individuals who are concerned about the stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment.  Other benefits of online therapy include increased convenience and flexibility.

In-person therapy, also known as face-to-face therapy, is a traditional mode of mental health treatment that involves meeting with a licensed therapist in person. In-person therapy is often preferred by individuals who feel more comfortable talking about their personal concerns face-to-face, and who enjoy the unique personal connection that comes from in-person interaction. Additionally, in-person therapy may, at times, be more effective for individuals who need more hands-on therapy, such as certain types of exposure therapy.  

Effectiveness of Online Therapy

Research has shown that online therapy can be as effective as in-person therapy for a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and stress. In some cases, online therapy has even been found to be more effective, particularly for individuals with mild to moderate symptoms who might otherwise struggle to attend in-person therapy sessions. Studies have found that online therapy can lead to significant reductions in symptoms and improvements in overall functioning. 

The effectiveness of online therapy can depend on a number of factors, including the quality of the therapeutic relationship, the type of therapy being offered, and the individual's specific mental health needs.  While online therapy can be an effective treatment option for many individuals, it is not appropriate for everyone. For example, individuals with severe mental health conditions or those who need higher levels of care may need to seek in-person therapy. Additionally, some individuals may prefer the personal connection that comes from in-person interaction, and may not feel comfortable sharing personal information in an online setting.

Overall, online therapy is a safe, effective, and convenient way for individuals to receive mental health care from the comfort of their own homes. Regardless of the mode of therapy, it is important to work with a licensed therapist who is trained in delivering the type of therapy you need in order to ensure the best possible outcome.